Sunday, March 9, 2014

Committing To Weekend Training (Or The Lack Thereof)

By now, my coach is realizing that I'm starting to come up short in meeting the required training volume ---especially on weekends. Check the past 3 weekends and how I fared:

Except for that 100km ride (my first century btw, hehe), all else is not good as I am expected to train better now that I hired a coach.

I have various excuses for the above stats. The Feb22-23 was due to a family outing in Talisay which, on retrospect, I should've brought my bike for a ride then. Mar2 was missed as my legs were too tired/trashed after completing my first century ride. Mar8 I ran out of gas (and motivation) to complete that 75k. Today, a supposed 50-5 brick was canceled due to tire interior tube problems.



Problem is, is that I have my first duathlon on March 30th, a 4-25-4 affair in General Trias, Cavite. Distance wise, I know I can finish this race comfortably. But with an ideal pace to match, especially on the run? That will be a miracle to pull off.

I HAVE TO stick with the program, darn it!

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