Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Holy Week Long Run

I was supposed to run 10k last weekend as part of my mileage buildup. Due to wedding anniversary reasons, of course, I had to drop all my weekend running plans. No biggie, as I just swapped this week (cut-back mileage week) with last week. Thus, for this week my target is to complete 25km total.

So far I ran an easy 7km (easing back with the Bikilas) last Monday. That leaves me with a balance of 18km. A 6km tempo is planned tomorrow morning (Thu) and then 12km easy on the weekend (probably on Sat).

The (good) problem now is that my mind is tempting me to run longer on the weekend (probably 16km) since it's Holy Week. It's that time of the year when Metro Manila's streets are car/pollution-free for most of the day ---definitely every (addicted) runner's dream. It's like those "buy 1, take 1" promos that comes every now and then. Definitely the "run 12k, why not run 4k more" bait is luring my mind in.

Hmmm, let's see what happens on the weekend.

How about you? Where and how long is your run this weekend?

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