
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Rack 'Em Up

My running and cycling routine has been hampered lately. A bruised rib from basketball several weeks ago, a stomach flu since Thursday, and the occasional football (soccer) night ran the weekly miles down.

Well, I'm all better now and the inter-company football tournament will be all done by April 7th so hopefully the miles start racking in ---especially the running miles since the Milo Marathon 2013 training season starts after the 7th (for another 16 weeks of training). Mentally, I need to psych myself up as well, especially for the long runs.

I'll assess the first few weeks of that training to see if my body will be up for another 42kms of pain since base mileage right now has been null (a dismal 5km total run last week and 6km total run so far this week). The easy road to take will be to relax and take up all the duathlons lined up for the year (I'll be doing one by the way via the Duaman on Apr21). The hard road, of course, will be training for Marathon #5 (July 28).

Let's see how it goes in the next few weeks.

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