
Friday, March 21, 2014

Mar10-16 Training Log

152 kms.

9 hours and 8 minutes.

Last week was another breakthrough week in terms of training volume for me. On the weekend, I went up again the ULTRA hill twice, a 300m 7% climb. My aim is to get comfortable (i.e. learn to love) hills, especially on the bike.

My climb there is at a pedestrian 5-6 kmh, a pace Contandor will not be proud of. I hope to do better climbing it towards the end of the year. Yeah, that long to be in at least 5% of Contador's climbing skills (I think).

I'm itching to race again so thankfully I'm scheduled for one next Sunday (March 30th). It's a short 4-25-4 duathlon in General Trias, Cavite, so it's a good place to see how conditioned I am (or not) since I've hired a coach last Feb.

Let's see.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Committing To Weekend Training (Or The Lack Thereof)

By now, my coach is realizing that I'm starting to come up short in meeting the required training volume ---especially on weekends. Check the past 3 weekends and how I fared:

Except for that 100km ride (my first century btw, hehe), all else is not good as I am expected to train better now that I hired a coach.

I have various excuses for the above stats. The Feb22-23 was due to a family outing in Talisay which, on retrospect, I should've brought my bike for a ride then. Mar2 was missed as my legs were too tired/trashed after completing my first century ride. Mar8 I ran out of gas (and motivation) to complete that 75k. Today, a supposed 50-5 brick was canceled due to tire interior tube problems.



Problem is, is that I have my first duathlon on March 30th, a 4-25-4 affair in General Trias, Cavite. Distance wise, I know I can finish this race comfortably. But with an ideal pace to match, especially on the run? That will be a miracle to pull off.

I HAVE TO stick with the program, darn it!